How long do elements last

Kanthal elements in most studio style or top-loading ceramic kilns generally last between 100 and 200 firings depending on how they are used. Heavier duty APM elements last longer than Kanthal. There is no way to determine exactly how many firings elements will last.

Things that impact element lifespan include:

  • Inadequate manual or mechanical kiln ventilation during outgassing
  • Steam expelled from Candling damp greenware
  • Corrosive gases expelled from clay and glazes
  • Wax burn off
  • Holds at higher temperatures
  • Repeated high firings - if it works for your clay & glaze, consider holding at a lower temp to gain the same amount of heat work with less impact on elements. Learn how to use Orton Cones to determine equal heat work at various temps.
  • Direct glaze contamination onto elements. Even a spot of glaze can burn out and break an element
  • Poor maintenance - regularly vacuum the firing chamber including element channels to promote element health.

Signs that indicate an element is worn or needs replacing:

  • Element is broken, split, sagging or laying down
  • Significant variations in heat work from one section of the kiln to another
  • Anomalies that indicate glaze has not matured or has over fired
  • Increased firing times or top temp not being reached
  • Element resistance has increased by 10% or more.