Estimate the cost to fire a kiln - no pic

Use the formula below to estimate the electricity cost to fire a single kiln load.

Overall running costs include periodic element replacement.

Standard Kanthal A-1 elements generally last between 100 and 200 firings depending on how you use them. Heavy duty APM elements last longer than Kanthal. There is no way to determine exactly how long your elements will last. Things that affect element lifespan include:

• Inadequate ventilation while the clay and glazes are outgassing - the firing chamber should be manually or mechanically ventilated and the kiln room should have fresh air circulating

• Candling - damp greenware creates excess steam which attacks elements

• Long Holds and Slow Cools

• Repeated Cone 9/10 high firings

• Direct glaze contamination onto elements

• Poor maintenance - regularly vacuum the firing chamber including element channels helps to promote good element health